Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Why I can't get into health food trends

It seems like every other week a new super food is introduced to our collective vocabulary. Everyone who is anyone is eating it, juicing it, and doing everything else with it you could think of. Restaurants like Fresh are all the rage, and everyone is eating vegetarian, raw, vegan or a combination of the three.

Me? I can't get into it. Why? As childish and possibly naive as this sounds... I just don't like the taste of them. As much as I wish I loved raw, leafy greens, quinoa and tofu, I just don't. Rice? Give me more. Roasted chicken? I'd eat it everyday. Cooked green beens? That's like, my favourite thing.

With every healthy lifestyle blog on the internet focusing on these new, trendy veggies, I sometimes start to feel like I'll just never be a healthy person. I like carbs way too much, and I'm way to traditional in my meal choices. And bread? Don't even get me started on bread. But, I'd like to think that I can still pursue a healthy diet without throwing kale and acai berries into everything I eat.

Everything with moderation right? I'm no nutritionist but I think as long as 50% of what you're eating is nutritious veggies, and you have a moderate amount of protein, and maybe a few carbs everyday, you're doing fine.

But what do you think? Do you jump on the health food band wagon? If so, what are your tips for incorporating new things into a more traditional diet (I'm asking for a friend)?

Until next time,

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