Wednesday, April 22, 2015

How To: Stay Motivated During Exams

If you're in university like me, then you will soon be entering everyone's favourite part of the year: exam time! Sometimes (okay, let's be honest - always) it's hard to stay motived while studying. It's finally starting to get warm outside, and all you want is for summer vacation to start. But what you need is to keep studying for the next couple weeks. So without further ado, here is how you can do that. How to: stay motivated during exam period!

1. Make Lists!

My most effective way to stay organized and on time is to take lists. I always like to start the day with a detailed list set out of what I need to accomplish. This way, you have attainable goals to work towards. If you start off with a few smaller tasks, and work up to the bigger ones, they will feel more attainable and you will stay motivated. (The main note here is to make sure your list is attainable, setting a too-long list will just end with you disappointed, even if you did accomplish a lot)

2. Set "study hours"

Once classes end and we're all in full on study mode, its hard to know when to study, and when to go outside and play that game of volleyball with friends... So, at the beginning of each day, set specific times when you will study, and when you will take a break. This way, when you are taking a break, you won't feel guilty about it, because you've budgeted for that time. If you want to go the extra mile, combine your lists with your study schedule, so you know exactly what has to get done for each period of time, and you can more accurately judge your process.

3. Use brightly coloured pens

Maybe this is just a personal preference, but I always find reading and writing more fun when there is colours involved. In addition to this, I really like to make my notes as visually appealing as possible. Although I wouldn't exactly call myself a visual learner, I love good design and nice layouts. So, if you make your notes like that, then you won't mind reading them as much! Plus, just writing out those notes is studying in itself.

4. Study outside

If its warm enough (and not too windy) then studying outside can be the perfect balance of relaxing and working. Just be careful you don't get too distracted!

5. Take breaks

The final, and probably one of the most important rules is: take breaks. We all need to study as much as we can, but sometimes your brain just needs a rest. Your studying will be more effective if you're not totally brain dead and exhausted of reading while you're doing it. So try to take short scheduled breaks every few hours, and you can return to the books refreshed.

So, those are my five tips for staying on track this exam season! If you're in school, let me know in the comments how exams are going for you... and if you're not in school... lucky you! Ahaha

Until next time,

Monday, April 20, 2015

Earth Day: Eco Friendly Fashion & Beauty Ideas!

In honour of Earth day, I decided to throw together a list of my favourite environmentally friendly beauty and fashion alternatives. Enjoy! 

Makeup & Beauty 

Eco-tools - This is a great company that is totally cruelty free, and makes their brushes with bamboo handles.

Lush - Lush is a well known bath and body company, but did you know all of their products are hand made? And environmentally sustainable?

Bert's Bees - A classic lip balm choice. But they also make hair and skin products. They have a strong commitment to all natural products and sustainability.


Thrift - My number one suggestion for eco-friendly, ethical fashion is always thrift. Often buying ethical, new clothes can be way out of most of our budgets. Check out this TedTalk by designer Jessi Arrington about how she never buys anything new!


But if thrift isn't your thing, you can check out this post on the Notepasser about sustainable fashion companies you can support!

So those are all of my eco-friendly beauty and fashion suggestions for you today! Sustaining our environment is so important- if our Earth isn't happy and healthy, none of us will be either! I encourage to to take this Earth day to reflect on your own impacts on the environment, and consider taking some of my suggestions! 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Best Fashion Instagrams! Spring 2015

The following are my absolute favourite Instagram accounts for fashion this Spring. If you're looking for new inspiration, look no further than below the "read more"!

1. Eugenie Grey

Otherwise known as Feral Creature, Eugenie is constantly posting amazing #OOTD photos, as well as lots of other visual inspiration for your to scroll through! 

2. Irene Kim

Ireneisgood, or Irene Kim, has a great collection of fashion and travel related posts. And impressive pink hair!

3. WhoWhatWear

Definitely an essential follow for anyone on Instagram interesting in fashion. Full stop. 

4. Angie

Also known as 2sisters_angie, this account is fashion + (cute x 100). Angie's daughter Mayhem and her creative fashion projects are posted regularly to this Insta account. (Expert Tip: Watch out for award shows! That's when all of the best crative dress projects are posted!)

5. Aimee Song

Beloved fashion blogger Song of Style also has a rad Instagram account! Definitely a must follow for any fashion blogger.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How To Get Into Graphic Design: MUST KNOW TIPS!

As you might be able to tell from the rest of my blog, graphic design is something that I am really interested in. Of course, I'm no professional, and I'm not in school for design, but I thought as an amateur, and someone who does graphic design for fun, I could give you a couple tips on how to get in to graphic design on that level. So, if you're looking for a new hobby, or to spruce up your blog a little bit, then read on!

1. How To Videos

Youtube is full of cool DIY videos, and other design related videos that can give you a ton of inspiration. My number one recommendation is Karen Kavett, who has a full set of informational videos on graphic design which can be very helpful!

2. Read Magazines!

Reading magazines has been one of the most helpful things for me to get design inspiration, and to start understanding eye flow, and other graphic design principles. To put it shortly, professional designers at magazines know what they're doing. If you observe their designs, you can learn what good design is. Magazines I would especially recommend for fashion bloggers are Vogue, Fashion (if you're Canadian), and Nylon! 

3. Get Photoshop

I know it can be expensive, but seriously, this is one of the most valuable tools. You can get Photoshop elements for a lower price, but with the same functionality a beginner would need. Also, if you're learning, there are so many great tutorials online of how to do specific things in photoshop. You just have to Google everything!

4. Use Polyvore!

This one is a special tip for anyone running a fashion blog. If you really can't afford Photoshop, you can sign up for Polyvore for free. If you've ever wondered how I make posts like these, this is it! 

5. Use Pinterest!

As for design inspiration, Pinterest is a must! Just search "design inspiration" in Pinterest, and browse to your hearts content! But, if you want a bit more direction than that, then check out my colours & inspiration Pinterest board or my Design & Typography board! 

6. Experiment, experiment, experiment!

Even with all of these tips, you really just need to learn by doing. So, go make a Polyvore account, or get Photoshop if you can, and just make things! 

That's all of the tips I have for you today. Thanks so much for reading! Let me know below what your graphic design tips are, if you're into it. If not, let me know why you want to learn about graphic design! 

Until next time, 

Monday, April 13, 2015

One Item Outfit Inspiration!

Lately I've been playing around with different outfit combinations, and I've realized that one of the best ways to get inspired is to start with one piece, and work from there. So, here are a few examples of how you can use one simple piece to inspire an entire outfit!

Outfit # 1

One item inspo #1

Outfit #2

One item inspo #2

Outfit #3

One item inspo # 3

Friday, April 10, 2015

Melting Snow

It's getting warmer outside! I'm finally able to go out without a hat and mittens, which is quite refreshing. So, today I pulled out a skirt, and even some non-boot shoes! How are you feeling about the new weather? Excited for spring? 

(most everything from this post was either thrifted, or from Old Navy 4 years ago. So sorry about that.) 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring Decor Inspiration!

Here are a few things that items that I've had my eye on for a Spring re-vamp of my bedroom! What Spring decor are you looking forward to most? Let me know in the comments!