Sunday, July 28, 2013

Argo by China Glaze

Ignore my terrible nail painting job. I'm working on it. 

So I recently picked up this nail polish at a salon in the mall when I was out running errands. I wasn't originally looking for a shade like this; but this one caught my eye and I really wanted to try it out, so, obviously, I bought it. It reminded me of that one polish from Butter London that everyone was obsessing over last winter- whose name escapes me, but anyway. 

Being used to Revlon and Essie, I was very impressed by how this Chine Glaze polish went on. Here I have two coats; though I could've got by with one, and a topcoat. I love the brush, its very thick and wide and perfect for quick and accurate application. The formula of this polish was also very nice; it wasn't too viscous, but it also wasn't super thin. It was perfect for smooth application. 

All in all, I'd give this product 5/5 stars. Also, the colour is wonderful for the fall! 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

One Direction

So, as previously stated many a time on this blog, I recently went to see One Direction in concert. It was a pretty good time.

The show started (after much waiting through commercials played on the jumbo-tron) with Five Seconds of Summer, a new boy band from Australia. They have a very Jonas Brothers circa A Little Bit Longer sound about them. They were decent enough, but honestly, I have enough bands to fan girl over, so I'm not in the market to pick up another one. But I appreciated them none the less.

Finally, after more and more waiting, the main attraction hit the stage and AHHH HARRY WAS SO CUTE and AAHH LOOK AT NIALL DID YOU SEE THAT but mostly just AHHHHH.

That concert was so unbelievably loud. I have been to many a boy band concert but I don't think I have ever attended one so loud. I mean, usually fans at least make an effort to listen instead of scream the entire time, but, whatever. It was a good show.

One of the most impressive parts of the concert was the set. They had these amazingly huge screen backdrops to the stage which played either live clips of the boys, or really nice typography of lyrics, or animated backgrounds. For example, the London sky line, or the boys as cartoon super heroes! It was really cool.

This was another really neat part of the show. The boys stood on a platform held by cables, moving along, soaring above the crowd. They ended at a square platform quite close to where we were sitting actually.

Overall, it was a really amazing concert and I'm really happy that I got to go, especially considering I didn't think I was going to be able to until my friend, Anna, offered me her extra ticket and we got to go together. It was a very fun experience, 10/10.

And that's all I have to say about that.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Life is Busy

Real life is hard. Mostly because it's busy.

These past few weeks I haven't been able to blog at all, because I've been overwhelmed with work and church commitments, not to mention my bustling social life (haha) and I just, I've let you all down, I know. 

At the beginning of this month, I promised that I would blog every single day. Quickly that degraded to only week days, and then soon, never at all. I've done quite a few things since I've seen you last, such as see One Direction in concert, see the Jonas Brothers in concert and buy a few new nail polishes. Yes, those are the things of note that I've managed to do. Everything else has been either work, church or boyfriend related. Well, I did try roller derby, that's something. But anyway, the point is, I have been quite busy. 

I also have not been able to fulfill my Youtube duties that I assigned myself, missing two History Minute Mondays and one Fashion Friday. I plan to resume my Friday videos this week and hopefully get a Monday filmed for next week, the week I am away on vacation. Yeah, I know right? One more thing that gets in the way of getting things done. I think I might post a couple features on things that I've done in the past few days just to keep a nice record of my summer, but we'll see. I have a lot of other online catching up to do this evening. 

Tomorrow, after working in the morning, I'm spending the day with Dan, which I am quite excited about. Maybe I'll have something to say about that later. 

Anyway, I think that's all for now. Hopefully I will get back to you soon and hopefully you will forgive me for neglecting to fulfill my online duties as Youtuber and blogger.

Until then,


Sunday, July 14, 2013


I believe the verdict is in. I am terrible at blogging everyday. In my defence, I have been quite busy. For example, this past weekend, I went camping.

So on Friday evening myself, my boyfriend and our five friends stuffed ourselves into a van and headed west, to the beach. We camped at Point Farms provincial park, on Lake Huron, and it was a grand old time.

We arrived, set up our tents and then went down to the beach to hang out for a while, we got there just in time for the tail end of a beautiful sunset. It was lovely, spending time with friends and singing the occasional camp song. Later, we went back to the camp site and played "Never Have I Ever" before going to sleep, or at least attempting to.

The next morning we woke up, and I made breakfast for the whole group, as I did the entire weekend. This trip, which I planned and facilitated, really made me appreciate my parents efforts more. All my life, each summer we've gone on a camping trip, and in my early years, we only ever had tents. I commend my mother for her amazing skill and patience for cooking out of a trunk of our car for an entire week. I had enough trouble with it for a single weekend.

Everybody hanging out, waiting for dinner to be ready. 

The cooking part isn't even the beginning of the difficulty. It's the not killing anyone part. Within my friend group, there are three people with life threatening allergies, as well two people with lactose intolerance. We have a vegan as well, but she couldn't make it this past weekend. Anyway, the point it, trying to cook for people with the risk of them going into anaphylactic shock is quite horrifying. The bright side is though, I made it through!

We spent the majority of the afternoon on Saturday at the beach, and then when we all got tired, as teenagers do, we went back to the campsite to have a nap.

Dan and me on the beach, one of us trying to hide from the UVA/B rays. 

After an afternoon nap and dinner, we headed back to the beach for a sunset stroll, and more camp songs. With the sun dipping bellow the horizon, and the fresh breeze in the air, it really felt like summer. Often, when school ends and the summer holiday begins, I put a whole lot of worry into whether or not I'll have adventures during my time off. I want to go places and do exciting things, because if I don't, I feel like I'm wasting my youth. But, I think on this trip I realized something about adventures, it's really not where you go, it's who you go with. Despite the fact that the campground we stayed at was less than an hour from home, and along a beach that I've been visiting my whole life, the trip was still as fulfilling as if I had gone to Hogwarts and returned (well...) because I got to spend the time with some of my best friends.

I think probably one of my favourite parts of the trip was when we all spent some time on the beach in the evening, and after the suggestion of Dan, we all put our hands in the middle of our huddle and cheered "friends!" The best part of it all was that some people walking by heard us and immediately burst out laughing, one of them yelling back to us, "that was cute!" Yes, yes it was cute. 

All in all, the weekend was really an amazing time, and I'm so glad to have spent it with these great people. If any of you are reading this, which is sort of unlikely, you're all super cool, and I'm so glad that we're friends, for most of you, I've only known you for less than a year, but I still feel so welcome in our little group of friends, and I'm so excited for all the future adventures we'll have together. 

Here's to a great summer, and many more, 

Friday, July 5, 2013

End of VBS

So, once again this tiring week of summer vacation comes to and end. Like last year, I led the music and drama portion of vacation Bible school, and I'd say it was as effective as any other year. I missed working with my youth pastor and sponsor, but the person I did get to work with was great as well. All in all, though, I'm glad to be done. This week has been absolutely crazy, between bible school and then three different meetings for work, and just working in general. I'm tired.

I don't get much of a break though, this weekend I'm working Saturday and Sunday, plus I have to work Saturday night (filming a promo video for an event happening at the fair this year- which, admittedly, is pretty cool. But I am very busy none the less).

What's keeping me going is the promise that firstly, Sunday afternoon will be free time to spend with my boyfriend, and that Monday, I will be able to sleep in. And then, once 11AM Monday morning comes around, it will be back to working on fair stuff. Or, depending on the e-mails I receive this weekend, a meeting might be happening earlier than that. I think this whole summer job is giving me a lot of adult experience. Like, I guess what I'm thinking is I really hope that my future job isn't quite this stressful and full of conflict etc.

Anyway, I must be off. This evening is the weekend program for bible school and I need to be out the door in the next ten minutes. Either way, I will be seeing you again tomorrow, hopefully sometime between waitressing and professional film making. I'm sure I'll make time.

Until then, DFTBA

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Cute Preschoolers

Hello again, blogosphere. It has been a crazy busy week. It's only the fourth day of BEDJ, and I'm already struggling to find time to write. For instance, right now I'm typing this on the Blogger app on my phone, while on the way to vacation bible school.
All week long, I've been leading music and skits with the kids, which has been pretty fun. My appreciation for parents has definitely grown anyway. 
Some of the preschoolers though are just the cutest things I've ever seen. One boy in particular, named Samuel, is very energetic and when I first met him, he said, "Hi! I'm Samuel! S-A-M-U-E-L!" He was just so proud to be able to spell his name. It was adorable. Another girl, during craft time, told me that she wanted to be an artist when she grew up, upon me telling her that her drawing was beautiful. She said that she did lots of painting and that once, she made a painting of her kitties and the sunset. Another time, during games after a crawling race, she acknowledged that she came in last, but she "never gived up" the entire time. I almost cried it was so cute. 
So, all in all, the week has been pretty busy, between VBS, meetings for work and family and church events, I haven't been home much. Thankfully, though, the time I have been at home has been relatively productive. I've managed to release three videos this week on YouTube, which is my goal for every week this summer. We'll see if I can keep it up. 
So I think that's all I have time for today. DFTBA and I'll see you tomorrow. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Collapsible Lung

So, yesterday, 2nd July, Relient K released their newest album Collapsible Lung, and to say that I'm happy with it would be an understatement. It's everything that I love about Relient K and more.

If I had any critique for this album it would be that I wish Matt Theissen would have done more writing. He is a brilliant lyricist and I think we're really missing out on some great lyrics because he wasn't the main writer on a lot of the songs.

A lot of people are upset about the lack of Christian themes in this album. They're right, we don't get any songs like "Getting Into You" or even "Hope For Every Fallen Man" but, just as many bloggers before me have already pointed out; everyone goes through seasons in their Christian walk. No one is in perfect communion with Jesus all of the time, let's be real. I think this album really represents a time in their lives that they fell short of that relationship. Lost Boy is a perfect example of this, "wandering, wondering" and being a 'stray." These words are very representative of that whole feeling of being lost or far from God. And I would argue that Relient K displaying their real relationships and not some unreal fabricated models of perfection is far more "Christian" than trying to be the perfect role models. Because that's not what their job is, as artists. They're not supposed to show everyone what a perfect relationship with God is, they're role is to express their own feelings that others might relate to. And I think they're done that perfectly.

So, overall, I'd say this album deserves an 8/10. The lyrics could be better, and the style isn't exactly classic RK, but it's great none the less. Buy the album, is what I'm saying.

Or, if you only want a couple songs, my initial recommendations are the title track, Lost Boy, and PTL- Don't Blink is pretty great too.

Those are my only thoughts for today, kids. Don't forget to be awesome.

~summer stats~
nail colour: turquoise & caicos (esse)
money spent: 0
subscribers: 28

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Yes, it is, in fact, the second day of July. And how many blog posts have I made so far this month? Zip. 
In my defence, yesterday was busy for me. I spent my morning volunteering at vacation bible school, and my afternoon, uhm, editing my Tumblr theme. And editing some videos too! 

I've made some great strides in my process of making my Youtube channel, like, a regular thing. I've devised a couple series that I plan to post weekly, one for Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Obviously, this is a huge commitment, so we'll see how it goes.  

Recently I've been really into checking out new content on Youtube. I love watching other content creators with low subscriber counts, and they're all so talented! They definitely deserve a larger audience, but I'm happy to support them none the less. I'd love to be able to make some more friends on Youtube, too. It's great to have a community of mutual subscribers who all support each other in their content creation. I think that's something that was much more prominent on Youtube in it's early years, and has since faded away with the rise of corporation on Youtube. But that doesn't mean it has to end! I always love to see networks of video makers communicating, no matter how small the group might be. 

Anyway, those are all my thoughts on the internet for today. I should get back to editing my Wednesday video, as well as getting some other work done for the day. I'll be back tomorrow with another BEDJ post. 

Best Wishes,

~summer stats~
nail colour of the day: turquoise & caicos (Esse)
money spent so far this summer: zero (y)
subscribers: 28